Let’s plush

Is it normal to have an object that can cure sexually and emotionally the loneliness? Calling a form of affection that doesn’t involve another human being, the tenderness that is poured like water into a bottomless container. An emotion that is always beating among us, something that a person keeps as potential energy that is left into something inanimate, in this case let’s put the figure of a teddy bear, something that exists since childhood, that represents the harmless: a toy, a trustable doll to sleep babies, the object that guards and accompanies them when parents are absent due to sleeping or working.

The fact that is always in bed, guarding the person is a gesture of protection, of safety, an object that’s attached to the deepest part of the being, that sense of belonging, what doesn’t leave, the thing that stays with us till the light fades away. It’s not about perceiving it as a friend, since it doesn’t give any physical responses: it doesn’t talk, it doesn’t walk, it doesn’t cry, the plush is not human, is simply something that protects you and must be by your side. You should know that “a plushie never says ‘No!’ when you crave closeness (…) No plush partner will ever break your heart, give you a disease or hurt you in any way” (From alt.sex.plushies – http://www.velocity.net/~galen/asp-faq.txt )

Being something that we observe in a cute manner when the companion is a baby or a toddler, it tends to be something different when it comes to an adult person. Not abandoning the plush toy may mean that there is a grapple to the past, holding on to something that is not to be left behind, there is a present fear that needs to be channeled through the plush. This can be a matter of insecurity, trusting that the strengths needs to create an image of companionship so that loneliness isn’t assimilated, to create something that has an unique meaning and unable to be shared, distancing from the rest. This complex is embraced to feel plenitude and the sensation that everything is alright.

Sigue leyendo en sexmind.com…

Osmar Peña ’13

(Lamento no publicar la versión en español, sufrió varios cambios al ser editada en inglés y por cuestiones de tiempo aún no he podido reacomodarlo, para no abandonar el blog publico mientras esta que también está disponible en sexmind.com)